Course details


Group Business English

This course provides students with the quickest route to communicative competence in English and is organised around the professional tasks and work-related situations of busy executives wishing to improve their English language competency for business related activities. Practical assignments will draw on the varied interests of the clients themselves and lessons will respect the sophisticated knowledge and expertise of the students, especially in areas such as leadership, innovation and human relationship. The key concepts of the course include topic-based situations that help to reinforce vocabulary, speaking, writing and social English. Our aim is to offer a flexible approach to the basic interaction patterns used by business people in their work. Topic-based learning units will cover a wide range of business situations, such as using good commercial English in collecting information, drafting reports and preparing presentations, managing a job interview, writing business letters and e-mails, telephone conversations, decision making and problem solving.  

Course levels

Price to be confirmed upon confirmation of booking

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