

Group Business English

This course provides students with the quickest route to communicative competence in English and is organised around the professional tasks and work-related situations of busy executives wishing to improve their English language competency for business related activities. Practical assignments wi...
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Private Business English

This favourable student-teacher 1:1 ratio ensures greater flexibility in planning the language work really needed by the student in the lessons. This course is ideal for students who need Business English related to their profession such as English for Banking, Finance, Accountancy, Advertising, ...
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Intensive Business English

This course content is the same as that for the Business English course except for the number of lessons per week. This course is designed for students who wish to dedicate more time to develop an increased proficiency in Business English in a relatively short period of time. Course levels
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Combination General + Business English

This intensive combination course is suitable for all levels of the English language (from Beginner to Advanced). However, this particular course has been especially designed to help those students whose level of English is below intermediate and would like to improve their proficiency ...
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